
What can you find here?

Create your account, download the platform and learn what you need to get started.


Enterprise (v1.0)
Last Updated: June 16, 2020

Key Features

Deploy networks across multiple public cloud providers using Open Source Hyperledger Fabric, R3 Corda e JPMorgan Quorum Blockchain frameworks. Invite third parties to join in the blockchain network quickly. Install, upload and upgrade your Chaincode, CordApp or Smart Contracts. New OpenStack network deploy!


Resources | Deploying IaaS for BaaS

Multi and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Ali Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, OpenStack and more to come
• Create a new resource group and pre-establish your framework
• Assign the location to your cryptographic material for SSH access
• Select your service provider or your own structure and choose the characteristics of your infrastructure and location
• Grant access to deploy and track your implementation

Resources | Deploying BaaS

Multi Framework Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)

Corda, Hyperledger, Quorum and more to come
• Assign the location to your network cryptographic master key
• Select the consensus form and configuration options for your network
• Create your organizations and assign to your infrastructure
• Deploy and track your implementation
• Pre establish endorsement policies when necessary

Resources | Onboard pre-established networks

Networks with specific purposes

Multiledgers, partners or users networks
• Create a new resource group and pre-establish to join a network
• Assign the location to your cryptographic material for SSH access
• Select your service provider or your own structure and choose the characteristics of your infrastructure and location
• Grant access to deploy and track your implementation
• Send and wait for confirmation to join the network

Resources | Monitor your resources

Health monitoring and life cycle management

VMs and containers
• Select any of your resources to monitor and interact with it individually
• Monitor the health of your VM and containers and modify the settings when necessary
• Access your VM via SSH using bash
• Control the lifecycle by starting or stopping your VM and containers

Financial | Quote and monitor your

Quotation and cost monitoring of all resources

Multiledgers and service providers
• Quote the price of your infrastructure at different service providers before your deployment
• Track the costs of each resource group in all months in real time

Message | Platform communication

Secure chat with end-to-end encryption

Support and other users
• Add a new conversation with our support and ask questions about using the platform
• Start conversations with one or more platform users using their IDs and send files of different formats when necessary


Managing Your Account and Privacy Settings

1. When you sign in to your Multiledgers Account, you can see and manage your info, activity, and privacy.
2. My info is organized into two tabs to help you easily view and modify your account information. The first tab is the User Basic Information which is the information provided in the subscription.  The next tab is the Authenticator Factor related to your privacy. In this tab, you can save your private key and you can also save your FIDO key if you wish. 

Deploying IaaS for BaaS

1. Now that you created your account and settled your company information, let’s go ahead and build out your first infrastructure architecture for a blockchain network. At the beginning enter the platform and choose the Resource by hovering your mouse on the left side of the screen where you can see a navigation menu appears.
2. The first step here in Resource is to create a new resource group. Hit the + icon at the Resource Group Stream and select the IaaS & BaaS option. 
3. Note that the Resource Group Settings is now displayed at the main viewer already indicating the resource type as IaaS & BaaS. Up next, click on Undefined and select Network. Now choose a Network Type and Version by clicking on Undefined to do it. The options here are many but for the illustrative purpose, we choose a “Fabric” Framework, release version v1.4.3. Check Hyperledger Fabric releases clicking here.
4. To control the VM keys, click the button labeled “write key”. Select a path where to save it the VM private keys.
5. The Easy Deploy is now displayed. Click on the EDIT button to exhibit a navigation menu. From this point, you should be able to select which cloud provider(s) you intend to deploy your resources. Please, slide the provider menu to choose the cloud. Up next, you must select the desired server configuration: Normal, Medium or Large. For illustrative purposes, we chose the AWS cloud with Normal configuration.
6. Please, drag and drop the desired resources. Note that black areas will appear where it is allowed to leave the resource. The resources deployed are peer-1, orderer-1, and certificate-1 are displayed by Resource Stream. Besides the resources names, the cloud, containers, and virtual machines’ status are exposed.
7. To set the AWS Account Credentials, please click the UNDEFINED in order to open the cloud account information popup. Subscribe the AccessKey and the SecretKey to connect the cloud or use your subscription info as a JSON file.
8. Deploy is available now, click the green button to start. For demonstration purposes, we choose one more peer-1 resource setting them to GOOGLE account and also hit to deploy. Observe that the status of the deployment is displayed at Easy Deploy but also at the Resource Group Stream and Resource Stream.

Deploying BaaS

1. Welcome to your Enterprise BaaS easy deployment. Let’s start using the Organization Settings to create new Organizations. Click on + for open a gray radius button where you can write the organization’s name.
2. To control the Blockchain Master keys, click the button labeled “write key”. Select a path where to save it the blockchain resources private keys.
3. To release the Blockchain Settings you have to explore the resources by click on the names. For the illustrative purpose, we’re using a Fabric architecture composed by peer-1, orderer-1, and certificate-1. Set the organization using the Blockchain VM Setting for each resource deployed on IaaS previously.
4. Now to deploy your blockchain network, click newgroup-1 to visualize the Blockchain Setting where you can hit the green button for deploy. Wait until 100%.
5. Decide the blockchain governance using the Endorsement Policies. Choose about who is an administrator, member, client, or peer by clicking the + and click on policy1 to open a ruler popup. Hit ok for saving and your BaaS deployment is complete. To know more about Fabric Endorsement Policy click here.

Technical Support for Multiledgers Users

1.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding data privacy, security, deploying or financial please contact our Customer Support team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At the beginning enter the platform and choose the Messenger by hovering your mouse on the left side of the screen where you can see a navigation menu appears.

2. The first step here in Messenger is to create a new open support ticket. Hit the + icon at the User Stream and select Support.
3. A support request is now open in the message stream. Now, click on it to display a chat screen where you can explain a question or report an error.

Group Chats Made Easy

1. Set up new encrypted group conversations in just a few clicks or taps! First, click on + icon to add a user.
2. You can invite the person through the chat system by hit + and select Add User. Note that a user needs a User ID to be able to chat, so check that first. Find the User ID in the “Personal Account” tab at My Info.
3. Click + to add User inviting him into your chat room.
4. Explore and managing the contacts in the same room chat by clicking on
5. Customers have the ability to upload and transfer files during a chat so they can easily share more information about their issues. Click  + icon and select Add Files to share.

Join a network

1. This tutorial is meant to show how to join a Writer node to an existing network. It presumes that an ordering service has already been created using another Multiledgers Blockchain Platform console (it is possible to join created in the platform to any network running Hyperledger Fabric-based or Besu-based components). After you choose for Join Network, click undefined to insert the network ID you are ask joined to. For the illustrative purpose, we ‘re joining in a Hyperledger Besu network type, version 1.3.6.
2. To control the VM keys, click the button labeled “write key”. Select a path where to save it the VM private keys.
3. The Easy Deploy is now displayed. Choose the cloud provider and VM configuration. Drag the resource to choose the black area on the map and drop. Subscribing the cloud credentials and hit to deploy.
4. Use the Blockchain Settings tab to include a name and secure pass to your node and again hit the deploy to save settings at your node.
5. Send Request using Status tab to join your node at the Hyperledger Besu network and wait until the approval!

Virtual Machine Management & Monitoring

1. VM Settings and VM Monitoring is the process of monitoring the individual virtual machines and the VMs created by the IaaS & BaaS deployments!  It also handles the allocation of memory, storage, and computing resources for the created VMs.  It provides detailed insights on the performance and health of the host servers.
2. The Stop shuts down the VM. After the VM is shut down, its status changes to STOP. While the VM is stopped, no fee is charged for it. You can enable the VM at any time to continue working with it by click on Start. Also, you can Restart the VM. All data and changes you’ve made are saved in blocks on the Blockstream!

Cloud Adding and Managing API Keys

1. Cloud AccessKey is a “secure password” designed for you to access your cloud resources by using APIs
2. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the AWS Management Console. Learn how in this post!
3. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the  IBM Cloud® API keys. Learn how in this post!
4. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Learn how in this post!
5. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Learn how in this post!
6. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Alibaba Cloud console. Learn how in this post!
7. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Google Cloud console. Learn how in this post!

BaaS Deployment with Smart Contract Integration

1. In this section, we will introduce an upload function for smart contract integration. For further details on how Quorum smart contracts works, please click here.
2. After BaaS successfully deploy using Quorum framework, let’s upload a smart contract in the network, by individual’s resources. First, click resource(node-1) with a right-click and choose the Upload Smart Contract option.
3. Open the folder where your smart contract is and select the file. Quorum is based on Ethereum Blockchain, so the language for the smart contracts in this network is solidity. So, the file has to be .sol extension.
4. A confirmation popup will notify when the upload end.
5. Finally, the blockchain settings upgrade function is now on. Click to do it and be able to apply your smart contract anytime.
6. Thanks!

BaaS Deployment with chaincode Integration

1. In this section, we will introduce an upload function for chaincode integration. For further details on how Fabric chaincode works, please click here.
2. After a successful Fabric IaaS deploy, let’s upload a Chaincode in the resource group. First, click resourcegroup-1 with a right-click and choose the Upload Chaincode option.
3. Have the chaincode in a zip compressed input to upload.
4. A confirmation popup will notify when the upload end.
5. Hit deploy on BaaS with chaincode integration available for any organization that part of the resource group.
6. Thanks!

BaaS Deployment with CorDapps Integration

1. In this section, we will introduce an upload function for CorDapp integration. For further details on how Corda R3 CorDapp works, please click here.
2. After a successful Fabric IaaS deploy, let’s upload a Chaincode in the resource group. First, click resourcegroup-1 with a right-click and choose the Upload Chaincode option.
3. Have the CorDapps in a “.jar” compressed input to upload.
4. A confirmation popup will notify when the upload end.
5. Hit upgrade on BaaS with CorDapps integration available for any nodes that are part of the resources.
6. Thanks!


What can you find here?

Create your account, download the platform and learn what you need to get started.


Enterprise (v1.0)
Last Updated: June 16, 2020

Key Features

Deploy networks across multiple public cloud providers using Open Source Hyperledger Fabric, R3 Corda e JPMorgan Quorum Blockchain frameworks. Invite third parties to join in the blockchain network quickly. Install, upload and upgrade your Chaincode, CordApp or Smart Contracts. New OpenStack network deploy!


Managing Your Account and Privacy Settings

1. When you sign in to your Multiledgers Account, you can see and manage your info, activity, and privacy.
2. My info is organized into two tabs to help you easily view and modify your account information. The first tab is the User Basic Information which is the information provided in the subscription.  The next tab is the Authenticator Factor related to your privacy. In this tab, you can save your private key and you can also save your FIDO key if you wish. 

Deploying IaaS for BaaS

1. Now that you created your account and settled your company information, let’s go ahead and build out your first infrastructure architecture for a blockchain network. At the beginning enter the platform and choose the Resource by hovering your mouse on the left side of the screen where you can see a navigation menu appears.
2. The first step here in Resource is to create a new resource group. Hit the + icon at the Resource Group Stream and select the IaaS & BaaS option. 
3. Note that the Resource Group Settings is now displayed at the main viewer already indicating the resource type as IaaS & BaaS. Up next, click on Undefined and select Network. Now choose a Network Type and Version by clicking on Undefined to do it. The options here are many but for the illustrative purpose, we choose a “Fabric” Framework, release version v1.4.3. Check Hyperledger Fabric releases clicking here.
4. To control the VM keys, click the button labeled “write key”. Select a path where to save it the VM private keys.
5. The Easy Deploy is now displayed. Click on the EDIT button to exhibit a navigation menu. From this point, you should be able to select which cloud provider(s) you intend to deploy your resources. Please, slide the provider menu to choose the cloud. Up next, you must select the desired server configuration: Normal, Medium or Large. For illustrative purposes, we chose the AWS cloud with Normal configuration.
6. Please, drag and drop the desired resources. Note that black areas will appear where it is allowed to leave the resource. The resources deployed are peer-1, orderer-1, and certificate-1 are displayed by Resource Stream. Besides the resources names, the cloud, containers, and virtual machines’ status are exposed.
7. To set the AWS Account Credentials, please click the UNDEFINED in order to open the cloud account information popup. Subscribe the AccessKey and the SecretKey to connect the cloud or use your subscription info as a JSON file.
8. Deploy is available now, click the green button to start. For demonstration purposes, we choose one more peer-1 resource setting them to GOOGLE account and also hit to deploy. Observe that the status of the deployment is displayed at Easy Deploy but also at the Resource Group Stream and Resource Stream.

Deploying BaaS

1. Welcome to your Enterprise BaaS easy deployment. Let’s start using the Organization Settings to create new Organizations. Click on + for open a gray radius button where you can write the organization’s name.
2. To control the Blockchain Master keys, click the button labeled “write key”. Select a path where to save it the blockchain resources private keys.
3. To release the Blockchain Settings you have to explore the resources by click on the names. For the illustrative purpose, we’re using a Fabric architecture composed by peer-1, orderer-1, and certificate-1. Set the organization using the Blockchain VM Setting for each resource deployed on IaaS previously.
4. Now to deploy your blockchain network, click newgroup-1 to visualize the Blockchain Setting where you can hit the green button for deploy. Wait until 100%.
5. Decide the blockchain governance using the Endorsement Policies. Choose about who is an administrator, member, client, or peer by clicking the + and click on policy1 to open a ruler popup. Hit ok for saving and your BaaS deployment is complete. To know more about Fabric Endorsement Policy click here.

Technical Support for Multiledgers Users

1.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding data privacy, security, deploying or financial please contact our Customer Support team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At the beginning enter the platform and choose the Messenger by hovering your mouse on the left side of the screen where you can see a navigation menu appears.

2. The first step here in Messenger is to create a new open support ticket. Hit the + icon at the User Stream and select Support.
3. A support request is now open in the message stream. Now, click on it to display a chat screen where you can explain a question or report an error.

Group Chats Made Easy

1. Set up new encrypted group conversations in just a few clicks or taps! First, click on + icon to add a user.
2. You can invite the person through the chat system by hit + and select Add User. Note that a user needs a User ID to be able to chat, so check that first. Find the User ID in the “Personal Account” tab at My Info.
3. Click + to add User inviting him into your chat room.
4. Explore and managing the contacts in the same room chat by clicking on
5. Customers have the ability to upload and transfer files during a chat so they can easily share more information about their issues. Click  + icon and select Add Files to share.

Join a network

1. This tutorial is meant to show how to join a Writer node to an existing network. It presumes that an ordering service has already been created using another Multiledgers Blockchain Platform console (it is possible to join created in the platform to any network running Hyperledger Fabric-based or Besu-based components). After you choose for Join Network, click undefined to insert the network ID you are ask joined to. For the illustrative purpose, we ‘re joining in a Hyperledger Besu network type, version 1.3.6.
2. To control the VM keys, click the button labeled “write key”. Select a path where to save it the VM private keys.
3. The Easy Deploy is now displayed. Choose the cloud provider and VM configuration. Drag the resource to choose the black area on the map and drop. Subscribing the cloud credentials and hit to deploy.
4. Use the Blockchain Settings tab to include a name and secure pass to your node and again hit the deploy to save settings at your node.
5. Send Request using Status tab to join your node at the Hyperledger Besu network and wait until the approval!

Virtual Machine Management & Monitoring

1. VM Settings and VM Monitoring is the process of monitoring the individual virtual machines and the VMs created by the IaaS & BaaS deployments!  It also handles the allocation of memory, storage, and computing resources for the created VMs.  It provides detailed insights on the performance and health of the host servers.
2. The Stop shuts down the VM. After the VM is shut down, its status changes to STOP. While the VM is stopped, no fee is charged for it. You can enable the VM at any time to continue working with it by click on Start. Also, you can Restart the VM. All data and changes you’ve made are saved in blocks on the Blockstream!

Cloud Adding and Managing API Keys

1. Cloud AccessKey is a “secure password” designed for you to access your cloud resources by using APIs
2. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the AWS Management Console. Learn how in this post!
3. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the  IBM Cloud® API keys. Learn how in this post!
4. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Learn how in this post!
5. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Learn how in this post!
6. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Alibaba Cloud console. Learn how in this post!
7. Find and update your access keys from a single, central location in the Google Cloud console. Learn how in this post!

BaaS Deployment with Smart Contract Integration

1. In this section, we will introduce an upload function for smart contract integration. For further details on how Quorum smart contracts works, please click here.
2. After BaaS successfully deploy using Quorum framework, let’s upload a smart contract in the network, by individual’s resources. First, click resource(node-1) with a right-click and choose the Upload Smart Contract option.
3. Open the folder where your smart contract is and select the file. Quorum is based on Ethereum Blockchain, so the language for the smart contracts in this network is solidity. So, the file has to be .sol extension.
4. A confirmation popup will notify when the upload end.
5. Finally, the blockchain settings upgrade function is now on. Click to do it and be able to apply your smart contract anytime.
6. Thanks!

BaaS Deployment with chaincode Integration

1. In this section, we will introduce an upload function for chaincode integration. For further details on how Fabric chaincode works, please click here.
2. After a successful Fabric IaaS deploy, let’s upload a Chaincode in the resource group. First, click resourcegroup-1 with a right-click and choose the Upload Chaincode option.
3. Have the chaincode in a zip compressed input to upload.
4. A confirmation popup will notify when the upload end.
5. Hit deploy on BaaS with chaincode integration available for any organization that part of the resource group.
6. Thanks!

BaaS Deployment with CorDapps Integration

1. In this section, we will introduce an upload function for CorDapp integration. For further details on how Corda R3 CorDapp works, please click here.
2. After a successful Fabric IaaS deploy, let’s upload a Chaincode in the resource group. First, click resourcegroup-1 with a right-click and choose the Upload Chaincode option.
3. Have the CorDapps in a “.jar” compressed input to upload.
4. A confirmation popup will notify when the upload end.
5. Hit upgrade on BaaS with CorDapps integration available for any nodes that are part of the resources.
6. Thanks!


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